Thanks to our fifty-years old activity experience inside the industrial global broad spectrum of the nail's, staple's and other various fastener's civil engineering and manufacturing fixing applications sector, we welcome you across our e-Commerce website shop:
This most recent realization, implemented as a FIMCA's Enterprise shop-window view, containing the worldwide most ECOnomical and ECOlogical new futuristic FIXing Solutions today on the Internet market, is actually the ideal Fimca offer, particularly for those DIY semi-professional end users, acting sometimes as craftsman with packaging and fastening working needs, specifically in houseold for personal fixing applications. We suggest for your professional needs to visit our specifically created Internet Worldwide Website, through the below indicated link:
Welcome into our website! We are glad to number you as our notable guest among our numerour webspace visitors, oriented to promotion and diffusion of the fastening ecological items among the cheaper ones available on the national market. It will be a pleasure driveing you inside our specialistic sector, helping you to individuate which among the many products present could be the ones that result eventually suitable to satisfy your interest. We hope to be able soon to receive your welcome orders! To make an order, please click with the cursor on the orange symbol indicated by an "electonic trolley", put beside the chosen product; decide the sale conditions you prefer to be supplied with. Do not hesitate to contact us to our phone and fax coordinates, indicated on the frame on the right of the page, for any eventual special requests or technical clarifications. Thanks for having chosen us and good prosecution in your navigation!
We invite you to observe and evaluate our products we have shown in our E-Shop-window. Such products we intend to offer as immediate interest point to all our welcome E-commerce Website visitors.
ECOFIX is a FIMCA's Brand New Official Trademark -
3, Lelio Benetti Road,
Bazzano Locality,
ZIP CODE # 40053, VALSAMOGGIA (Bologna),
Fully paid-up Registered Capital of € 51,480.00 -
Bologna's Law Court Ent. Reg. n° 47340 -
R.E.A. 309811 -
M BO 039157 -
First Line (Phone only):
(+2) +39 51 83.39.27 -
Second Line (Telefax only):
(+2) +39 51 83.50.00 -